Advantages And Disadvantages Of The Serial Dilution Agar Plate Technique

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The agar dilution procedure is a technique approved by the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI), for antimicrobial susceptibility testing of Campylobacter spp. However, there are no internationally agreed upon susceptibility criteria for Campylobacter spp. And breakpoints used by NARMS are provisional. The serial dilution agar plate technique is when you dilute a sample several times to achieve several different dilutions. For example, if you are working with a urine sample that you need to test for the presence of microorganisms. This technique can have both some advantages and disadvantages.

There a few advantages of using the spread plate method. One ofthe advantages of using the spread plate method is it is better forisolating the bacteria colonies. It also is helpful in isolatingorganisms.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of spread plate method in pure culture method?

The spread plate method is used in microbiology to grow colonies of yeast. It is advantageous compared to the pure culture method because it is easier to isolate specific colonies, however less colonies have a chance of surviving. Read More

Do both the spread-plate and pour-plate method in a experiment produce similar bacterial counts or are they vastly different?

Both Spread-plate and pour plate method don't give the same results. Because in the case of spread plate method the inoculmn used for inoculation can't be spread in a exact volume. A little inoculmn remains stick with the spreader after spreading. On the other hand, in pour plate method it doesn't happen. So mostly, through comparing the counts by both methods, less counts are obtained in spread plate method. I am Working as a Sr… Read More

What are Advantages of pour-plate method over streak plate method?

The pour plate method requires somewhat less skill than that required for a good streak plate; a disadvantage, however, is that it requires more media, tubes, and plates. Read More

Which separation method is not good for cultures containing a great deal of bacterial growth?

How do the results of the pour-plate method compare with those obtained using the streak plate and spread -plate methods?

In the pour plate, the microorganisms will grow within the gel that has been set, and in the spread-plate technique, growth will be on top of the agar gel where it has been spread. Read More

What advantages does the streak plate method have over the pour plate method?

The streak plate method makes it easier for colonies of bacteria to grow. It also generally leads to individual colonies that look like small dots, rather then simply a mat of bacterial growth. Read More

What is the function of hockey stick in spread plate method?

The hockey stick spreads the known concentration of bacteria evenly over the agar plate. Read More

Advantages of pour plate method over other methods of bacterial colony?

Advantages and disadvantages of spread plate technique?

• Small inoculum size • bulky storage • limited shelf life Read More

What are the advantages of dilution plate method?

serial dilution can give the relation b/w the consenteration and the growth of bacteria Read More

What are the limitations and advantages of standard plate count?

this method is suitable for non aggregated cultures but the nature of the reaction must not be mycelial . Read More

What is the main advantage of pour-plate method over other methods of bacterial colony isolation?

Previous answer: 'because of infection' This person is obviously trying to be funny, the right word should be 'Contamination', as for spread plate, the bacteria is more exposed to air as it is spread over the agar plate. Therefore, the result might not be accurate, as it might be contaminated. As for the pour plate method, the bacteria is in the agar itself, it is not exposed to air, thus, less risk of getting contaminated. Read More

Advantages of using spreadsheet over pen and paper method?

in spread sheet you can use mthods like A:10 ,C5 but in pen and paper you must to do the method in your mind and must to write them. Read More

What are the advantages and disadvantages of pour plate technique?

Some advantages of pour plate technique are: it counts only living cells and it is a standardized test, which is used worldwide. Some disadvantages of this method are: it generally takes a long time to incubate bacteria and osmotic shocks can occur. Read More

What are the advantages and disadvantages of deductive method?

What are 3 methods used to isolate microorganisms from a mixed culture?

It is necessary to make the colonies well-isolated from each other so that each appears distinct, large and shows characteristic growth forms. Most bacteria, many other microfungi, and unicellular microalgae, may be most commonly obtained by plating methods such as streak plate method, pour plate method and spread plate method. Read More

What are the advantages of organization and method team?

advantages of organisation and method team Read More

Does the streak plate method work better than the pour plate method?

Advantages And Disadvantages Of The Serial Dilution Agar Plate Technique

What does a metal plate in the skull do?

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What are the Advantages of poaching method?

What two ways could a spread plate become contaminated?

The spread plate can become contaminated if you forget to sterilize your 'hockey' stick or leave the plate open on a counter. See the Related Question for more ways the spread plate can become contaminated. Read More

What is isolation media in microbiology?

The growth media such as nutrient agar or Mckonkey agar is used to isolate microbial cells from the mix culture when inoculate on them. Some time speical media is used which selectivly grow some time of bacteria or a differential media which give different morphology of different bacterial species e.g. blood agar and Mannitol salt agar. It can be done by three ways: the spread plate method, the streak plate method, and the pour plate… Read More

What is the advantages of streak plate method?

Streak plating allows for the formation of individual colony forming units for isolation by reducing the number of bacterial cells with each streaked quadrant. Read More

Advantages of rast method?

there are no advantages. your a silly moo. Read More

Who developed the culture plate method to identify pathogens?

Rober Kock developed the culture plate method to identify pathogens. Read More

Who developed the culture plate method of identify pathogens?

Robert Koch developed the culture plate method to identify pathogens. Read More

Advantages of observation method?

There are a great many advantages of using the observation method. You can see what works and does not work for example. Read More

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the advantages of this method was that it is more quick and less calculation needed and the disadvantages, it less accurate compare to the rise and fall method. Read More

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Compare the pour plate and streak plate methods of isolating bacteria?

A streak plate method involves the rapid moving method for separating bacteria in a mixed population. A pour plate method, meanwhile, involves the dilution of a mixed population of bacteria into tubes of nutrient agarmedium, which is then poured into a petri dish for incubation. Read More

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What is advantages and disadvantages of distillation method?

The distillation method's advantages are that it will make a pure result. The disadvantages are that the method is time consuming and is not cheap. The distilled method as a result is avoided unless needed. Read More

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One of the main advantages of using the polygon method is speed. The main disadvantage to this method is the fact that it cannot adequately represent curved items. Read More

What are the advantages of doing turbidity method over standard plate count method?

Turbidity takes less time to perform; therefore, it takes less time to obtain the results. However, the concentration of the tube needs to be 10^7 or greater. Plate count method takes time to incubate and takes a longer time to prepare. It does not require the concentration to be that high because you are diluting the sample. Plate count accounts for live microorganisms only, as turbidity accounts for both live and dead because your just… Read More

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The disadvantages of the polygon method include a lack of accuracy as well as detail. Advantages include its ease of use. The component method is much more exact, but is tougher to achieve. Read More

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What are the disadvantages of the percent of sales method Read More

How do you measure bacterial growth quantitatively in an Agar plate?

When bacteria is grown in an Agar plate, one quantitative method to measure growth is using a counting chamber. Another method is using viable plate counts. Read More

The advantages of using the scientific method When studing environmental issues?

The advantages of using the scientific method when studing environmental issue? Read More

What are the disadvantages using streak plate method?

Streak Plate method cannot be used for the enumeration of the approximate number of bacteria in the given sample. It can used only for obtaining isolated colonies in Pure culture. This is because, In streak plate method, 1. the amount of inoculum added is not a measured quantity. 2. colony count method cannot be applied on streak plate, since except in the fourth quadrant, isolated colonies are not formed. Thus Streak plate method can be… Read More

How do the runners in strawberry reproduction give advantages to the strawberry plant?

They do not really give the parent plant an advantage as such, as they are a method of propagation they spread the plant. Runners enable the plant to spread far faster than they would be able to through the normal process of pollination and seed production. Read More

How are faults related to plate tectonics?

when plate spread apart a crack in the ground, or fault, is made.......i think Read More

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What Are Some Advantages And Disadvantages Of The Serial Dilution Agar Plate Technique

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Advantages And Disadvantages Of The Serial Dilution Agar Plate Technique

A spread sheet is good for complicated equations, such as if statements and absolute cell reference. Read More

What is spread plate techniques?

There are mainly two techniques in microbiology in bacterial cell inoculation. The first is when the colony is added to the plate and spread with a spreader across the entire plate in aseptic conditions. The second is called 16-streak and is used to isolate a single colony Read More