Dole Construction Safety And Health Program Sample
Create a Construction Accident Prevention Program & Site Specific Safety Plan This program is for construction employers. For general industry, check out the general industry safety program [TABS] Features Length - About 78 pages Site Specific Safety Plan - Includes a template you can use for each project. Construction Safety and Health. Pursuant to the DOLE Department Order No. 13, Series of 1998 on the Guidelines Governing Occupational Safety and Health in the Construction Industry, every construction project is required to have a Construction Safety and Health Program (CSHP).
- Norah Bond
- 3 years ago
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1 PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES Department Order No. 13, series of 1998, otherwise known as THE GUIDELINES GOVERNING OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH IN THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY Department of Labor and Employment Bureau of Working Conditions Intramuros, Manila i
2 PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES Department Order No. 13, series of 1998, otherwise known as THE GUIDELINES GOVERNING OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH IN THE CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY TABLE OF CONTENTS A. OBJECTIVES B. LEGAL BASES: PAGE NO. 1 1 C. AGENCIES INVOLVED IN CONSTRUCTION HEALTH AND SAFETY LAWS AND RELATED ISSUANCES : 1. Department of Labor and Employment a. Bureau of Working Conditions (BWC) b. DOLE-Regional Offices c. Employees Compensation Commission (ECC) d. Occupational Safety and Health Center (OSHC) e. Technical Education Skills Development Authority (TESDA) 2. Department of Trade and Industry a. Construction Industry Authority of the Philippines (CIAP) b. Construction Manpower Development Foundation (CMDF) c. Philippine Contractors Accreditation Board (PCAB) 3. Department of Health (DOH) - The Non-Communicable Diseases Control Office Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) Office of the Building Official. 5. Department of Interior and Local Government(DPWH) - Bureau of Fire Protection Department of Environment and Natural Resources(DENR) Construction Industry Tripartite Council(CITC) D. DEFINITION OF TERMS: E. COVERAGE ii
3 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE NO. F. DEPARTMENT ORDER NO. 13, REQUIREMENTS: 1. Construction Safety and Health Program pursuant to Section 5, D.O. 13, series of Company Safety and Health Policy Specific Construction Safety and Health Program Composition of Construction Safety and Health Committee Safety and Health Personnel Specific Duties and Responsibilities of the Safety Officer Applicable In-plant Safety and Health Promotion and Continuing Information Dissemination Accident and Incident Investigation, Recording and Reporting Provisions for the Protection of the General Public Within the Vicinity of the Company Premises During Construction and Demolition General Safety Within Construction Premises Environmental Control (Rule 1070 of the Standards) Guarding of Hazardous Machinery (Rule 1200 of the Standards) Provisions For and Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) - (Rule 1080 of the Standards) Handling of Hazardous Substances (Rule 1090 of the Standards) General Materials Handling and Storage Procedures. (Rule 1150 of the Standards) Installation, Use and Dismantling of Hoist and Elevators.-Rule Testing and Examination of Lifting Appliance, Rule 1220 Elevators and Related Equipment iii
4 TABLE OF CONTENT 1.16 Testing and Inspection of Electrical and Mechanical Facilities and Equipment Workers Skills and Certification Provisions for Emergency Transportation Facilities for Workers Fire Protection Facilities and Equipment First-Aid and Health Care Medicines, Equipment and Facilities Workers Welfare Facilities Proposed Hours of Work and Rest and Rest Breaks Waste Disposal Disaster and Emergency Preparedness Contingency Safety Program Company Penalties/Sanctions for Violation/s of the Provision/s of Safety and Health Program Personal Protective Equipment by Type of Project PAGE NO General Building Construction Project (GBC). 2.2 General Engineering Construction Project. 2.3 Specialty Construction Project 3. Safety and Health Personnel and Skilled Worker Minimum Required Safety Personnel 3.2 Qualification and Training of Safety and Health Personnel and Skilled Workers. 4. Construction Heavy Equipment Signages and Barricades Signage Procedures: 5.2 Posting 5.3 Barricading Procedures: 5.4 Installing of barricades iv
5 TABLE OF CONTENT PAGE NO. 6. Construction Safety and Health Committee Composition 6.2 Duties and responsibilities 7. Construction Safety and Health Reports Cost of Construction Safety and Health Program Safety and Health Information Welfare Facilities G. PROCEDURES IN THE FILING AND PROCESSING OF CONSTRUCTION SAFETY AND HEALTH PROGRAM (CSHP) 1. Where to File Evaluation of Construction Safety and Health Program A. General Requirements 1. Requirements for Submission Project Description B. Procedures in Processing and Evaluation Evaluation 2. Results of Evaluation 3. Inspection and Monitoring H. VIOLATION AND PENALTIES LIST OF ANNEXES Annex PPE1- Classification of construction works/activities for purposes of. determination of mandatory minimum Personal Protective Equipment(PPE) requirements Annex CHE -1 - Crane Inspection Checklist v
7 Pursuant to Department Order No. 13 series of 1998, otherwise known as the Guidelines Governing Occupational Safety and Health in the Construction Industry and other Related Laws and Issuances, this Procedural Guidelines shall apply in the filing, processing and evaluation of Construction and Health and Safety Program (CHSP) and other Related Activities and/or Operations in all construction worksites and workplaces and appropriate sanctions in cases of violations thereof. A. OBJECTIVES This Guidelines aims to: 1. Harmonize D.O. 13 with other existing standards and laws related to safety and health particularly in the construction activities and operations in all worksites and workplaces. 2. Provide stakeholders with clear and complete guide in order to comply with the requirements of D.O. No. 13 including the relevant rules of the Occupational Safety and Health Standards. 3. Standardize the procedures in the filing and processing of applications of Construction Safety and Health Program. 4. Strengthen linkages with other government and agencies and organizations involved in safety and health in the Construction Industry. 5. Enhance compliance with the requirements of D.O. 13 as well as the relevant provisions of Occupational Safety and Health Standards. B. LEGAL BASES: a. Article 165, Chapter 2, Title I of Book IV of PD 442 otherwise known as the Labor Code of the Philippines, as amended provides that The Department of Labor and Employment shall be solely responsible for the administration and enforcement of occupational safety and health laws, regulations and standards in all establishments and workplaces wherever they may be located. b. Article 162, Chapter 2, Title I of Book Four of the Labor Code of the Philippines, provides that The Secretary of Labor and Employment shall by appropriate orders set and enforce mandatory occupational safety and health standards to eliminate or reduce occupational safety and health hazards in all work places and institute new and update existing programs to ensure safe and healthful working conditions in all places of employment. c. Department Order No. 13, series of 1998, Guidelines Governing Occupational Safety and Health in the Construction Industry. Page 1 of 36
8 d. Section 10, D.O. 13 Safety on Construction Heavy Equipment. e. Department Order No. 16, series of 2001 mandates that the Bureau of Working Conditions (BWC), either directly or through accredited training organizations shall conduct continuing programs to increase the supply and competence of personnel qualified to carry out the provisions of the Standards. f. Section 6.6.2, Department Order No. 19, series of 1993, mandates that the Department through the Regional Offices shall strictly enforce the Occupational Safety and Health Standards, as amended, particularly Rule 1005 on Duties of Employers, Workers and other persons and Rule 1410 on Construction Safety. Through the Bureau of Working Conditions (BWC), the Department may issue a code of practice on Occupational Safety and Health for the Construction Industry. g. Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHS), Otherwise known as the Implementing Guidelines of the Article 162 of the Labor Code of the Philippines. h. Article 128 and 129 of the Labor Code of the Philippines (LCP) on the visitorial and enforcement power of the Secretary of Labor and Employment or her duly authorized representatives, including the labor inspectors. i. D.O Guidelines on the implementation of the Labor Standards Enforcement Framework series of C. AGENCIES INVOLVED IN CONSTRUCTION HEALTH AND SAFETY LAWS AND REGULATIONS AND OTHER RELATED ISSUANCES : 1. Department of Labor and Employment a. Bureau of Working Conditions (BWC) Performs primarily policy formulation and program development and advisory functions in the administration and enforcement of laws relating to working conditions. Exercises technical supervision in the administration and enforcement of all Labor Standard laws, including health and safety in all establishments, workplaces and worksites. b. DOLE-Regional Offices Enforce laws, policies, plans programs, projects, rules and regulations of the Department on labor standards and working conditions and exercise the visitorial power through Labor Standards Enforcement Divisions (LSEDs), pursuant to Article 128 of the Labor Code, as amended. Page 2 of 36
9 c. Employees Compensation Commission Initiates, rationalizes, and coordinates policies on employees compensation programs as well as deciding appealed cases from the Government Service Insurance System and Social Securities Services, the agencies which initially administer the employees compensation program. d. Occupational Safety and Health Center (OSHC) Plans, develops and implement training programs. Undertakes continuing studies and researches on OSH. Undertakes practical testing for standard specification for Personal Protective Equipment. Conducts work environment measurement and medical examination for the ready detection of occupational diseases. e. Technical Education Skills Development Authority (TESDA) Supervision in the development and implementation of the Skills and Equipment Standards Certification System. Issues the skills certification for critical construction occupation, pursuant to appropriate laws and issuances. 2. Department of Trade and Industry a. Construction Industry Authority of the Philippines (CIAP) Mandates to promote, accelerate and regulate the growth of the construction industry. Implements blacklisting proceedings pursuant to Section 5.2b.3 of the Revised Uniform Guidelines for Blacklisting Constructors Involved in Public Construction (Approved under CIAP Board Resolution No. 5, series of 2000) in cases of the failure of all the constructors to comply with D.O. 13, Labor standard laws including the Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHS). b. Construction Manpower Development Foundation (CMDF) Serves as the manpower development board for Philippine construction and its allied industries. Undertakes training for skills development, safety awareness and other supervisory/managerial courses. Participates in the development of skills standards for the construction industry. c. Philippine Contractors Accreditation Board (PCAB) Page 3 of 36
10 The Board is vested with authority to issue, suspend and revoke licenses of contractors, investigate such violation of this act and the regulations there under as may come to each knowledge and, for this purpose, issue subpoena and subpoena duces tecum to secure appearance of witnesses in connection with the charges presented to the Board, and to discharge such other powers and duties affecting the Construction Industry in the Philippines. 3. Department of Health (DOH) - The Non-Communicable Diseases Control Office Responsible in the formulation and implementation of Chapter VII of The Code on Sanitation of the Philippines (P.D. No. 856), among others, which provides rules, and regulations on industrial hygiene and other sanitary requirements. 4. Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) - Office of the Building Official Responsible in the administration and enforcement of P.D (National Building Code and Its Implementing Rules and Regulation) including the imposition of penalties for administrative violations. 5. Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) - Bureau of Fire Protection Responsible for the implementation of the provisions of Presidential Decree 1185 otherwise known as the Fire Code of the Philippines which provide standards, rules and regulations on fire safety, prevention, protection and control/suppression. 6. Department of Environment and Natural Resources(DENR) - Environmental Management Bureau (EMB) Responsible in the issuance of Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) prior to construction activities. 7. Construction Industry Tripartite Council(CITC) Advisory and oversight functions in the formulation and implementation of laws, policies and issuances pertaining to working conditions, health and safety in the construction industry. Page 4 of 36
11 D. DEFINITION OF TERMS: As used herein, the terms below shall be defined as follows : 1. Accredited organization refers to any organization duly accredited by the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) which is pursuant to Rule 1030, delegated or authorized to perform functions related to the improvement of occupational safety and health such as training, testing, certification, safety and health audit or any other similar activity. 2. Certified First-Aider refers to any person as defined in Rule 1960 of the Occupational Safety and Health Standards, trained and duly certified or qualified to administer first-aid by the Philippine National Red Cross or by any organization accredited by the same. 3. Construction project manager/consultant refers to any person or entity who is hired by the project owner, to act in the owner s behalf concerning the supervision and monitoring of all matters related to the overall execution of a construction project. The construction project manager shall be a separate entity from the general constructor or any subcontractor of the construction project. 4. Construction safety and health committee refers to the general safety and health committee for a construction project site that shall be the overall coordinator in implementing OSH programs. 5. Construction safety and health officer refers to safety personnel or any employee/worker trained and, in addition to their regular duties and responsibilities, tasked by his employer to implement occupational safety and health programs in accordance with the provisions of the Occupational Safety and Heath Standards (OSHS). 6. Constructor deemed synonymous with the term builder and refers to any person or organization who undertakes or offers to undertake or purports to have the capacity to undertake or submits a bid to, or does himself or through others, construct, alter, repair, add to, subtract from, improve, move, wreck or demolish any building, highway, road, railroad, excavation or other structure, project, development or improvement, or to do any part thereof, including the erection of scaffolding or other structures or works in connection therewith. The term constructor includes subcontractor and specialty contractor. 7. Emergency health provider refers to any person or organization who is certified or recognized by the Department of Health and who can provide the same or equivalent emergency health services as an emergency hospital, including emergency treatment of workers on site, emergency transport and care during Page 5 of 36
12 transport of injured workers to the nearest hospital, with adequate personnel, supplies and facilities for the complete immediate treatment of injuries or illnesses. 8. General constructor refers to a constructor who has general supervision over the constructors in the execution of the project and who directly receives instructions from the owner or construction project manager if one is appointed by the owner. 9. Occupational health personnel refers to a qualified first-aider, nurse, dentist, or physician, engaged by the employer to provide occupational health services in the establishment/undertaking. 10. Private Safety Organization deemed synonymous with the term consulting organization accredited pursuant to Rule 1030 of the Occupational Safety and health Standards. 11. Project manager refers to the overall technical personnel of the general contractor and/or the subcontractor in charge of the actual execution of a construction project. 12. Resident engineer refers a duly licensed engineer who shall be tasked to be present at the construction site at all times, whenever work is being undertaken, and shall have the responsibility of assuring the technical conformance of all designs, materials, processes, work procedures rendered for the execution of the construction project, including safety and health of all persons within the construction site. 13. Safety personnel refers to any person engaged by any constructor, trained, accredited by DOLE and tasked to provide occupational safety and health services for the workers/employees in any construction project. 14. Safety and Health Committee refers to a group tasked with the responsibility to monitor, inspect, and investigate all aspects of the construction project pertaining to health and safety of construction workers. 15. Safety organization refers to any organization recognized and accredited by the DOLE to conduct occupational safety and health training and/or safety and health audit. 16. Construction safety and health program refers to a set of detailed rule that shall cover the processes and practices utilized in a specific construction project site in conformity with the OSHS including the personnel responsible and the penalties for violations thereof. 17. General Labor Standards inspection including general occupational health and safety refers to inspection by authorized person/s of the work environment, including the location and operation of machinery other than those covered by Page 6 of 36
13 technical safety inspections, adequacy of work space, ventilation, lighting, conditions of work environment, handling, storage or work procedures, protection facilities. 18. Safety and health audit refers to a regular and critical examination of OSH management system in project sites, OSH programs and records conducted by authorized person in pursuance of Rule 1040, D.O. 13, s 1998 and D.O. 16, s Skills standards refers to the written specification of the minimum stock knowledge and skills a worker should possess to perform the functions identified in the job description of his occupation. 20. Technical safety inspection- refers to inspection for the purpose of safety determination of boilers, pressure vessels, internal combustion engine, electrical installation, elevators, hoisting equipment and other mechanical equipment. 21. Trade test refers to an instrument used to measure workers skills and knowledge based on the requirements of the skills as prepared and determined by TESDA in coordination with its accredited organization/s. 22. Tool box meeting or gang meeting refers to daily meeting among workers and their respective supervisors for the purpose of instructions, discussion and proper briefing on the planned work, the assessment of past work, the possibility or actual occurrence of accidents at the site, tips and suggestions on how to prevent possible accidents and other related matters. 23. Construction safety signage refers to any, but not limited to, emergency or danger sign, warning sign or safety instruction, of standard colors and sizes in accordance with the specifications for standard colors of signs for safety instructions. 24. Heavy equipment refers to any machine with engine or electric motor as prime mover used either for lifting, excavating, leveling drilling, compacting, transporting and breaking works in the construction site, such as but not limited to crane, bulldozer, backhoe, grader, road compactor, prime mover and trailer, with minimum operating weight and horsepower rating of 1,000 KG and 10 HP, respectively, that are subject to test based on the requirements of D.O. No Imminent danger refers to a condition or practice that could reasonably be expected to cause death or serious physical harm before abatement under the normal enforcement procedures can be accomplished. 26. Treatment Room refers to any enclosed area or room equipped with the necessary medical facilities and supplies, and located within the premises of the Page 7 of 36
14 establishment where workers maybe brought for examination and treatment of their injuries or illnesses in cases emergency. 27. Unguarded surface refers to any working surface above water or ground, temporary or permanent floor platform, scaffold construction or wherever workers are exposed to the possibility of falls hazardous to life or limb. E. COVERAGE This Procedural Guideline shall apply to: a. All public and private operation and undertakings in the construction industry and its subdivision, namely general building construction, general engineering construction and specialty trade construction, based on the classification code of the Philippine Construction Accreditation Board of the Construction Industry Authority of the Philippines (CIAP); b. Companies and entities involved in demolition works; and c. Those falling within the construction industry as may be determined by the Secretary of Labor and Employment and as provided for under D.O. 13 and the Occupational Safety and Health Standards. F. DEPARTMENT ORDER NO. 13, REQUIREMENTS, The following shall be the minimum requirements for the approval of a Construction Safety and Health Program (CSHP). 1. Construction Safety and Health Program pursuant to Section 5, D.O. 13, series of Company Safety and Health Policy. The following shall apply: A Company Safety Policy which shall serve as the general guiding principles in the implementation of safety and health on site duly signed by the highest company official or his duly authorized representative who has the over-all control of project execution and should include the contractor s general policy towards occupational safety, worker s welfare and health, and environment. A Safety policy, which shall include the commitment that the contractor shall comply with DOLE minimum safety requirements, including reporting requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Standards (OSHS), and other relevant DOLE issuances. These may include, but are not limited to the following: Page 8 of 36
15 a. Registration (Rule 1020 and DO 18-02) b. Report of Safety Committee Organization (Rule 1040) c. Notification of Accidents and Occupational Illnesses (Rule 1050) d. Annual Work Accident/Illness Exposure Data Report (Rule 1050) e. Application for installation of mechanical/electrical equipment for construction of structure for industrial use (Rule 1070 and 1160) f. Annual Medical Report (Rule 1960) 1.2 Specific Construction Safety and Health Program shall contain the tendering agency s requirements in addition to the minimum requirements under the appropriate sections of D.O. No. 13 whenever deemed as applicable. 1.3 Composition of Construction Safety and Health Committee. A structure and membership of the construction safety and health committee which shall be consistent with the minimum requirements of Section 11 of D.O. 13, series of Safety and Health Personnel. The following shall apply: a. All appointed first-aiders shall be duly trained and certified by the Philippine National Red Cross and shall possess a Certificate of Basic First Aid Training Course (Standard) with a valid PNRC ID Card. b. All appointed Safety Officers shall have completed the 40-hour BWC prescribed safety and health course as required by Rule 1030 of the OSHS, as amended by D.O. 16. All full-time safety personnel shall be accredited by the BWC pursuant to D.O. 16. c. All physicians and nurses assigned at the project site shall have completed the Bureau prescribed course on occupational safety and health course, pursuant to Rule 1960 of the OSHS. 1.5 Specific duties and responsibilities of the Safety Officer. The following shall apply: a. Specific duties and responsibilities shall comply with the outlined duties and responsibilities in Rule 1047 of the OSHS; and b. Procedure on the required performance of the assigned duties and responsibilities of safety officers in the construction site. 1.6 Applicable In-plant Safety and Health Promotion and Continuing Information Dissemination. The following shall apply: a. Detailed information dissemination or advisories to the new employees prior to on-site assignment. e.g. conduct of safety orientation, company s health and safety policies, hazards related to the job safety measures, safe work procedures. Page 9 of 36
16 b. Detailed programs on continuing education such as trainings and seminars, if any, that shall be given to employees e.g. BOSH, refresher course, first aid training, refresher course toolbox meeting, construction safety training for site safety officers, 80-hour advance safety course prescribe. c. Arrangements for conveying information on safety and health IEC materials e.g. Posters/komics/flyers, safety signages, handbooks/manuals, bulletin boards d. Arrangements for setting up sub-committees on safety and health, where necessary. e. Schedule of safety related activities e.g. toolbox meeting, health and safety committee meeting 1.7 Accident and incident investigation, recording, and reporting. The following shall apply: a. All accidents or incidences shall be investigated and recorded. b. All work related accidents resulting to disabling injuries and dangerous occurrences as defined in OSH Standards (Rule 1050) shall be reported. c. Responsible or duly authorized officer for accident or incident investigation recording and reporting who are either the employer/owner/project manager/safety officer d. Accident Report shall contain the minimum information as required in DOLE/BWC/OHSD/IP-6. e. Shall notify the appropriate DOLE Regional within 24 hours in case of fatal accidents. An accident investigation shall be conducted by the Regional Office within forty eight (48) hours after receipt of initial report of the employer. 1.8 Provisions for the protection of the general public within the vicinity of the company premises during construction and demolition. The following shall apply: a. Measures in order to ensure the safety of the general public shall be pursuant to Rule 11 of the National Building Code-Implementing Rules and Regulations: Protection of Pedestrians During Construction or Demolition b. Appropriate provisions and rules of OSHS - Rule : Protection of the Public - Rule : Protection against collapse of Structure - Rule : Traffic Control - Rule 1413: Excavation - Rule 1417: Demolition Page 10 of 36
17 - Rule 1060: Premises of Establishments - D.O. 13, Section 9: Construction Safety Signs - Other relevant provisions of OSHS. 1.9 General safety within construction premises. The following shall apply: The provisions for danger signs, barricades, and safety instructions for workers, employees, public, and visitors such as, housekeeping; walkway surfaces; means of access i.e. stairs, ramps, floor openings, elevated walkways, runways and platforms; and, light Environmental Control (Rule 1070 of the Standards). The following shall apply: a. Monitoring and control of hazardous noise, vibration and air-borne contaminants such as gases, fumes, mists and vapors. b. Provisions to comply with minimum requirements for lighting, ventilation and air movement Guarding of hazardous machinery (Rule 1200 of the Standards). The following shall apply: a. Provisions for installation/design of built-in machine guards. b. Provisions for built-in safety in case of machine failure. c. Provisions for guarding of exposed walkways, access-ways, working platforms Provisions for and use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) - (Rule 1080 of the Standards). The following shall apply: a. Appropriate types and duly tested PPEs to be issued to workers after the required training on their use. b. Provisions for maintenance, inspection and replacement of PPEs. c. In all cases the basic PPE commonly required for all types of construction projects are hard hats, safety shoes and working gloves. Other PPEs shall be required depending on the type of work and hazards Handling of Hazardous Substances (Rule 1090 of the Standards). The following shall apply: Provision for identification, safe handling, storage, transport and disposal of hazardous substances and emergency procedure in accordance with Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) in cases of accidents. Page 11 of 36
18 1.14 General materials handling and storage procedures. (Rule 1150 of the Standards). The following shall apply: - Safe use of mechanical materials handling equipment - Secured and safe storage facilities - Regular housekeeping as necessary so as not to constitute and/or present hazards - Clearly marked clearance limits - Proper area guarding of storage facilities 1.15 Installation, use and dismantling of hoist and elevators.-rule Testing and Examination of Lifting Appliance, Rule 1220 Elevators and Related Equipment. The following shall apply: a. Provisions to ensure safe installation, use and dismantling of hoist and elevator; b. Periodic inspection of hoists and elevators Testing and inspection of electrical and mechanical facilities and equipment. The following Rules of the Occupational Safety and Health Standards shall apply: Rule Coverage a. Rule Boiler b. Rule Unfired Pressure Vessels c. Rule Electrical Safety d. Rule Elevators and Related Equipment e. Rule Construction Safety f. Rule Training and Examination of Lifting Appliance 1.17 Workers skills and certification. The following shall apply: a. Provisions to ensure that workers are qualified to perform the work safely. b. Provisions to ensure that only qualified operators are authorized to use and operate electrical and mechanical equipment Provisions for emergency transportation facilities for workers. The following shall apply: Rule of the Occupational Safety and Health Standards - Emergency Medical and Dental Services Page 12 of 36
19 1.19 Fire Protection Facilities and Equipment. The following rule shall apply: a. Fire protection facilities and equipment as required under Rule 1940 of the OSHS b. Proposed structure and membership of fire brigade c. Provision for training on emergency preparedness 1.20 First aid and health care medicines, equipment and facilities. a. Identification of the proposed first aid and health care facilities that the employer shall provide satisfying the minimum requirements of OSHS. b. Identification of the medical and health supplies, such as medicines and equipment to be provided. c. In all cases, the provision of first aid medicines and emergency treatment shall be mandatory. d. In the absence of the required on site health care facilities, the employer shall attach a copy of a written contract with a recognized emergency health provider as required under the OSHS Workers Welfare Facilities. The following shall apply: a. Provisions for toilet and sanitary facilities b. Proposed bathing, washing, facilities c. Proposed facilities for supplying food and eating meals d. Proposed facilities for supplying potable water for drinking and for washing e. Proposed facilities for locker rooms, storing and changing of clothes for workers Proposed Hours of Work and Rest and Rest Breaks. The following shall apply: a Work schedules, working hours, shifting schedules b. Frequency and length of meals and breaks c. Schedule of rest periods 1.23 Waste Disposal. The following shall apply: a. Proposed method of clearing and disposal of waste. b. Provisions for permits and clearance where require in disposal of hazardous wastes Disaster and Emergency Preparedness Contingency 1.25 Safety Program. The Safety Programs shall contain the following: a. Standard work procedures. Page 13 of 36
20 b. Job hazard analysis for the following activities as applicable to the project. c. Other hazardous work, not outline herein but will be performed during project execution must also be included. The activities may consist of any number of the following, depending on the nature of the project, vis-à-vis exposure to hazards: a. Site Clearing b. Excavations c. Erection and dismantling of scaffolds and other temporary working platforms d. Temporary electrical connections/installations e. Use of scaffolds and other temporary working platforms f. Working at unprotected elevated working platforms or surfaces g. Work over water h. Use of power tools and equipment i. Gas and electric welding and cutting operations j. Working in confined spaces k. Use of internal combustion engines l. Handling hazardous and/or toxic chemical substances m. Use of hand tools n. Working with pressurized equipment o. Working in hot or cold environments p. Handling, storage, usage and disposal of explosives q. Use of mechanized lifting appliances for movement of materials r. Use of construction heavy equipment s. Demolition The hazard analysis shall contain the following: a. Identification of possible hazards for a particular activity. b. Identification of any company permits or clearances needed prior to the performance of the activity together with the name of person/s who is authorized to issue such permit or clearance. c. Identification of the proposed improvement in work standard procedures that shall be followed during implementation of a particular activity. d. Company inspection procedures to ensure safety during the execution of a particular activity. e. Identification of emergency procedures in case of accidents or any untoward incident while performing a particular activity Company Penalties/Sanctions for Violation/s of the Provision/s of Safety and Health Program The appropriate penalties or sanctions for violation of company rules and regulations or those stipulated in the CHSP and the observance of due process. Page 14 of 36
21 2. Personal Protective Equipment by Type of Project 2.1 General Building Construction Project (GBC). The following classifications shall apply: Classification: Air Navigation Facilities, Power Transmission & Distribution, Building and Housing, Communication facilities, Sewerage, water treatment plants and Site/Land development. (For the required PPE see Annex PPE-I) 2.2 General Engineering Construction Project. The following classifications shall apply: Classifications: Roads and airports(horizontal structure), bridges, irrigation system, flood control and drainages, dams, tunneling, ports and harbor, water supply (For the required PPE see Annex PPE-I) 2.3 Specialty Construction Project. The following classifications shall apply: Classifications: Electrical work, mechanical work, plumbing and sanitary work, air conditioning or refrigeration, water proofing work, painting work, communication facilities, foundation or piling work, structural steel work, concrete pre-cast, elevator or escalator, well drilling work, navigational equipment and instrument installation, electromechanical work, metal roofing and siding installation, structural demolition and landscaping. (For the required PPE see Annex PPE-I) 3. Safety Personnel and Skilled Worker. The following shall apply: 3.1 Minimum Required Safety Personnel. The following shall apply: a. The General Constructor shall provide for a full time officer, who shall be assigned as the general construction safety and health officer to oversee full time the overall management of the Construction Safety and Health Program. b. The General Constructor shall provide for additional Construction Safety and Health Officer/s in accordance with the requirements for Safety Officer of Page 15 of 36
22 D.O. 16, s. 2001, depending of the total number of personnel assigned to the construction project site. c. The General Constructor shall provide for one (1) Construction Safety and Health Officer for every ten (10) units of heavy equipment assigned to the project site. d. Each construction contractors/subcontractors shall provide for the required number of safety officers in accordance with the requirements of D.O. 16 series Qualification and Training of Safety and Health Personnel and Skilled Workers. The following shall apply: a. Training of OSH Personnel shall be pursuant to D.O. 16 series of 2001 and its Procedural Guidelines. b. Worker Skills Certification for the critical operations/occupations shall be pursuant to D.O. 13 and D.O. 19 as well as the TESDA requirements on worker competency. 4. Construction Heavy Equipment. The following shall apply: 4.1 Accreditation of Organization for Testing of Construction Heavy Equipment shall be pursuant to D.O. No. 16 and its Implementing Guidelines and Procedural Guidelines on Accreditation and Performance Audit of Testing Organization for Construction Heavy Equipment. (Please see Annex B Checklist of Requirements for Accreditation of Testing Organization) 4.2 Conduct of Inspection and Test of Construction Heavy Equipment shall be pursuant to Sec. 10 of D.O. No. 13 and its Procedural Guidelines. The following shall apply: a. Procedural Guidelines on Accreditation and Performance Audit of Testing Organization for Construction Heavy Equipment b. Standard Checklist for Testing and Inspection of Construction Heavy Equipment. (See Annex CHE-I) c. Inspection Procedures for DOLE Inspectors 4.3 TESDA Certification Requirements for Operators. Certification for Operators shall be in accordance with the requirements of TESDA on worker competency Monitoring and Evaluation of CHE Test/Inspection conducted shall be pursuant to the Procedural Guidelines on Accreditation and Performance Audit of Testing Organization for Construction Heavy Equipment. Page 16 of 36
23 5. Signages and Barricades. The following shall apply: Construction Safety Signages shall be provided as a precaution and to advise the workers and the general public of the hazards existing in the worksite. 5.1 Signage Procedures: The signages shall be: a. Posted in prominent positions and at strategic locations. b. As far as practicable, be in the language understandable to most of the workers employed in the site. c. For non-raised floor areas, the attached yellow CAUTION sign shall be used when using yellow CAUTION tape. (See Table II of the OSHS) d. For non-raised floor areas, the attached red DANGER sign shall be used when using the red DANGER tape. (See Table II of the OSHS) e. Placed in designated areas at four (4) feet from ground level, if there are no other more practicable height placement. f. Regularly inspected and maintained in good condition to achieve its purpose. Signages that are damaged; illegible or that no longer apply as to purpose, site or language, shall be removed or be replaced by the safety officer when needed. g. Removed after the hazard is completely eliminated. If upon work completion the hazard is still present, the signage shall remain in place. h. Designed and constructed following the Overall Dimensions of Safety Signs Formula as required by the OSHS (see Table II, B page 178, OSHS) i. Specific with the type of hazard and should indicate the name of the contaminant/ substance involved (for chemical hazards), and the type of PPE or respiratory equipment to be worn. 5.2 Posting of Signages shall include, but not limited to the following places: a. Areas where there are risks of falling objects. b. Areas where there are risks of falling, slipping, tripping among workers and the public c. Prior to entry in project sites, locations and its perimeter. d. Where there is mandatory requirement on the usage of PPEs. e. Areas where explosives and flammable substances are used or stored f. Approaches to working areas where danger from toxic or irritant airborne contaminants/ substances may exist, g. All places where contact with or proximity to electrical facility/equipment can cause danger h. All places where workers may come in contact with dangerous moving Page 17 of 36
24 parts of machinery or equipment i. Locations of fire alarms and fire-fighting equipment j. Locations for instructions on the proper usage of specific construction equipment, tools. 5.3 Barricading Procedures: The following shall apply: a. The contractor shall provide all necessary barricades, safety tapes, safety cones or safety lines as required in isolating or protecting an unsafe work area from other workers, pedestrians or vehicular traffic. b. Barricades shall completely enclose the hazardous area and effectively limit unintentional or casual entry. c. Barricades shall be three (3) feet vertical height from the ground, when no other more practical height specification is available. d. Barricades shall be maintained in good condition to achieve its purpose. e. Barricades that are damaged; faded or that no longer apply as to purpose, site or meaning, shall be removed or shall be replaced by the safety officer. f. Barricade tape shall not be used on the floor as this presents a slipping hazard of its own. g. In addition to using the proper warning tape, the contractor shall use the appropriate safety signage when barricading an area. h. All barricades shall be removed after the hazard is completely eliminated. I. Upon work completion, if the hazard is still present, the barricade shall remain in place. 5.4 Installation of barricades shall include, but not limited to the following worksites conditions: a. hazardous areas b. trip hazard c. robotic movement d. energized electrical works e. overhead suspended load test f. critical high pressure test g. chemical introduction h. fall exposure i. Emergency Response Zone j. Unsafe condition zone k. Danger zone l. Confined and enclosed space Page 18 of 36
25 6. Construction Safety and Health Committee. The following shall apply: 6.1 Composition a. Project Manger or his representative as chairperson ex-officio b. General Construction Safety and Health Officer c. Construction Safety and Health Officers d. Safety representatives (SAFETY OFFICER) from each subcontractor. If DOLE s minimum requirements based on the number of workers of the contractor/sub-contractor requires only a part time safety officer, the safety officer need not be an accredited safety practitioner or consultant. e. Doctors, nurses and other health personnel pursuant to the requirements stated in Rule 1042 of the OSHS f. Workers representatives If there are no contractors/sub-contractors or the constructor is a subcontractor, the safety and health committee shall be in accordance with the requirements of Rule 1040 of the Occupational Safety and Health Standards. 6.2 Duties and responsibilities a. The Project Manager or his representative shall act as the Chairperson of the committee. b. The committee shall conduct safety meetings at least once a month. c. The persons constituting the Safety and Health Committee shall, as far as practicable, be at the construction site whenever construction work is being undertaken. d. The committee shall continually plan and develop accident prevention programs. e. The committee shall review reports of inspection, accident investigation and monitor implementation of the safety program. f. The committee shall provide necessary assistance to government authorities authorized to conduct inspection in the proper conduct of their activities g. The committee shall initiate and supervise safety trainings for its employees h. The committee shall conduct safety inspection at least once a month, and shall conduct investigation of work accidents and shall submit a regular report to DOLE. i. The committee shall initiate and supervise the conduct of daily brief safety meetings or toolbox meetings. Page 19 of 36
26 j. The committee shall prepare and submit to DOLE, reports on said committee meetings. k. The committee shall develop a disaster contingency plan and organize such emergency service units as may be necessary to handle disaster situations. 7. Construction Safety and Health Reports. The following shall apply: 7. 1 The Construction Safety and Health Report shall include: a. Monthly summary of all safety and health committee meetings b. Summary of all accident investigations /reports c. Corrective/Preventive measures/action for each hazard d. Periodic hazards assessment with corresponding remedial measures for new hazards e. Safety promotions and trainings conducted/attended 7.2 Submission of Reports. The following shall apply: a. All general constructors shall be required to submit a monthly construction safety and health report to the BWC copy furnished the DOLE Regional Office concerned. b. In case of any dangerous occurrence or major accident resulting in death or permanent total disability, the concerned employer shall notify the appropriate DOLE Regional Office within twenty-four (24) hours from occurrence. c. After the conduct of investigation by the concerned construction safety and health officer, the employer shall report all disabling injuries to the DOLE Regional Office on or before the 20th of the month following the date of occurrence of accident using the DOLE/BWC/HSD-IP-6 form. 8. Cost of Construction Safety and Health Program. The following shall apply: 8.1 The total cost of implementing a Construction Safety and Health Program shall be mandatory and shall be made an integral part of the project s construction cost as a separate pay item, duly quantified and reflected in the Project s Tender Documents and likewise reflected in the Project s Construction Contract Documents. 8.2 The cost of the following PPEs: helmet, eye goggles, safety shoes, working gloves, rain coats, dust mask, ear muffs, rubber boots, and other similar PPE s shall be indicated/enumerated per cost, per worker, foreman, leadman, jackhammer operator, carpenter, electrician, mason, steelman, painter, mechanic, Page 20 of 36
27 welder, plumber, heavy equipment operator, physician/inspector, and other such personnel. 8.3 The PPEs shall be sufficient in number for all workers particularly where simultaneous construction activities/operations in different areas are being undertaken. 8.4 The cost of the minimum required inventory of medicines, supplies and equipment as indicated in Table 47 of the OHS Standards shall be included. 8.5 The safety personnel manpower cost salaries/wages, benefits shall be included. 8.6 Cost of safety promotions/activities, training conducted and salaries of safety and health personnel, medical personnel employed or engaged by constructor. 9. Safety and Health Information. The following shall apply: 9.1 Workers shall be adequately and suitably: a. Informed of potential safety and health hazards to which they may be exposed at their workplace. b. Instructed and trained on the measures available for the prevention, control and protection against those hazards. 9.2 Every worker shall receive instruction and training regarding general safety and health common to construction sites which shall include, but not limited to the following: a. The basic rights and duties of the workers at the construction site. b. The means of access and egress, both during normal work and in emergency situations. c. The measures for good housekeeping. d. The location and proper use of welfare and first-aid facilities. e. The proper care and use of the items or personal protective equipments and protective clothing provided the workers. f. The general measures for personal hygiene and health protection. g. The fire precautions to be taken. h. The action to be taken in case of any emergency. I. The requirements of relevant health and safety rules and regulations. 9.3 The instruction, training and information materials provided shall be given in a language or dialect understood by the worker. Written, oral, visual and participative approaches shall be used to ensure that the worker has understood and assimilated the information. Page 21 of 36
28 9.4 Each supervisor or any person e.g. foreman, lead man, gangboss, and other similar personnel shall conduct daily tool box or similar meetings prior to the start of the operations for the day to discuss with the workers and to anticipate safety and health problems related. 9.5 No person shall be deployed in a construction site unless he has undergone a safety and health awareness seminar conducted by safety professionals or accredited organizations or other institutions recognized by DOLE. 9.6 Specialized instruction and training shall be provided to the following: a. Drivers and operators of lifting appliances, transport, earth-moving and materials-handling equipment and machinery; or any equipment of specialized or dangerous nature. b. Workers engaged in the erection or dismantling of scaffolds. c. Workers engaged in excavations at least one (1) meter deep or deep enough to cause danger, shafts, earthworks, underground works or tunnels. d. Workers handling explosives or engaged in blasting operations. e. Workers engaged in pile-driving. f. Workers in compressed air cofferdams and caissons. g. Workers engaged in the erection of prefabricated parts of steel structural frames and tall chimneys, and in concrete work, form work and other such type of work. h. Workers handling hazardous substances and materials. i. Workers as signalers and riggers. j. Other types of workers as may be categorized by TESDA 10. Welfare Facilities. The following shall apply: The employer shall provide the following welfare facilities in order to ensure humane working conditions: 10.1 Adequate supply of safe drinking water: a. If the water is used in common drinking areas, it shall be stored in closed containers from which the water is dispensed through taps or cocks. Such containers shall be cleaned and disinfected at regular intervals but not exceeding fifteen (15) days. b. Notices shall be posted conspicuously in locations where there is water supply that is not for drinking purposes Page 22 of 36
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